Cooking Up a Suzie Experience Since 2013

As the founder and co-CEO of Suzie's Fusion Cuisine, I've been in the food and beverage industry for over 22 years. As a young girl, I observed my grandparents' entrepreneurship with their business venture in Guyana (South America). As a result of this, it fueled my passion to help serve my community! I've learned over the years how to prepare delectable meals and operate the business side of the shop. This put me on the path to studying Culinary Arts at HCAT in Anne Arundel, Maryland. While attending school, I completed my apprenticeship at the BWI Airport Marriott working for Starwood's Hotels and Resort.

In 2012, I moved to Houston, Texas where I began researching and attending many food vending events. Upon my research and discovery, I found a lack of diversity in the Houston food industry, specifically in the Caribbean diaspora; As a result, Suzie's was born. Suzie's first mission was to focus on serving the inner-city population, specifically the Third Ward. As a new owner of a food catering business, my objective was and still is to cater healthy and organic farm fresh food options.

Thank you for sowing into Suzie's for us to provide you with a more sustainable way of eating. We thank you for your support and efforts in the relaunch of Suzie's.

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